Becker Meets With Transportation Officials in Washington
May 22, 2008 by Jeff Robinson
(KCPW News) This week, Salt Lake City Mayor Ralph Becker met with top government transportation officials in Washington, DC, in his effort to get federal funding for the airport TRAX line and a proposed Sugar House trolley line. The mayor said it was a great opportunity to show federal officials that Salt Lake City is on the leading edge of public transit."It was a real opportunity for Salt Lake and for Utah to talk about what we're doing with our transit service," said Becker. "We live here, we don't always see this, but it's really groundbreaking nationally; the investment we're making in rail, the improvements we're making all up and down the Wasatch Front."
The mayor said he got good feedback but noted that it will take a lot of time before federal funding comes through. He spoke with officials at the U.S. Department of Transportation, the Federal Transit Administration, and a House subcommittee on transportation.